PÁG. 82 PANORAMA DE LA AGRICULTURA CHILENA | OFICINA DE ESTUDIOS Y POLÍTICAS AGRARIAS - ODEPA EXPORTACIONES DE FRUTAS CHILENAS - 2008 Y 2018 CHILEAN FRUIT EXPORTS Productos | Products Volumen exportado (toneladas) Volume (tonnes) Valor exportado (miles de US$ FOB) Value (thousands of US$ FOB) 2008 2018 Var % 08/18 2008 2018 Var % 08/18 Fruta fresca | Fresh fruit 2.389.181 2.829.330 18,4% 3.212.529 4.999.664 56% Uvas | Grapes 836.885 724.406 -13,4% 1.276.201 1.222.833 -4% Cerezas | Cherries 51.865 184.873 256,5% 211.976 1.028.579 385% Manzanas | Apples 770.708 775.687 0,6% 678.079 731.061 8% Arándanos | Blueberries 35.330 113.944 222,5% 216.848 632.625 192% Paltas | Avocados 84.998 132.525 55,9% 145.727 294.829 102% Mandarinas, clementinas, wilking e híbridas Mandarines, clementines, wilking and hybrids 23.677 170.161 618,7% 23.677 213.792 803% Kiwis | Kiwi 160.252 182.723 14,0% 178.276 203.727 14% Ciruelas | Plums 88.816 120.489 35,7% 111.815 173.527 55% Peras | Pears 133.088 128.527 -3,4% 140.013 128.746 -8% Limones | Lemons 41.251 85.892 108,2% 39.178 113.778 190% Nectarines | Nectarines 62.220 65.054 4,6% 75.972 93.596 23% Naranjas | Oranges 37.833 100.283 165,1% 22.181 83.894 278% Duraznos | Peaches 49.426 31.190 -36,9% 52.650 43.979 -16% Otros | Others 10.530 13.578 28,9% 19.513 34.698 78% Frutos secos | Dried fruits 22.885 108.804 375,4% 175.542 571.424 226% Almendras con cáscara, frescas o secas Unshelled almonds, fresh or dried 217 160 -26,3% 1.336 919 -31% Nueces de nogal sin cáscara | Shelled walnuts 7.377 25.480 245,4% 94.838 218.969 131% Nueces de nogal con cáscara | Unshelled walnuts 6.545 64.028 878,3% 30.907 217.416 603% Avellanas sin cáscara, frescas o secas Unshelled hazelnuts, fresh or dried 6 9.713 161783,3% 59 72.935 123519% Almendras sin cáscara | Shelled almonds 5.846 7.549 29,1% 34.384 57.432 67% Castañas, frescas o secas, incluso sin cáscara Chestnuts, fresh or dried 896 1.732 93,3% 1.275 3.134 146% Avellanas con cáscara, frescas o secas Shelled hazelnuts, fresh or dried 1.923 27 -98,6% 7.121 156 -98% Pistachos | Pistachios 74 2 -97,3% 5.617 24 -100% Fuente: elaborado por ODEPA con información del Servicio Nacional de Aduanas. | Source: prepared by ODEPA with information provided by the National Customs Service. * Cifras sujetas a revisión por informes de variación de valor (IVV). | Figures subject to review according to value varation reports (VVR).